Cam Steele

Cam specialises in companies and securities law as well as general commercial law. Cam has extensive experience in: mergers and acquisitions (with particular experience in private treaty acquisitions and divestments); equity capital raisings for both listed and unlisted public and private companies; and drafting and negotiating commercial contracts (in particular in relation to services, distribution and supply arrangements).

Cam also regularly advises clients in relation to the Corporations Act and ASX Listing Rules (including in relation to fundraising activities, takeovers, employee incentive schemes and continuous disclosure obligations) and the Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Act.

Cam works with clients across a range of industries, including energy and resources, information technology, agriculture, wine, health, manufacturing and government.


Cam’s experience includes advising:

  • The SA Government in relation to the $1.605 billion commercialisation of the State’s lands titling and valuation services and the $670 million sale of forward rotations rights in connection with the State’s forest plantation;
  • Centrex Metals Limited in relation to its acquisition of the Ardmore phosphate project from Incitec Pivot Ltd;
  • Marathon Resources Limited (now Leigh Creek Energy Limited) in relation to the reverse takeover and back-door listing of Allied Resource Partners Pty Ltd;
  • Codan Limited in relation to the acquisition of Canadian based Daniels Electronics for CDN$27 million; and
  • Agricultural Land Trust in relation to its complex restructure with Elders Limited.

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