- Aged Care and Retirement Living
- Agribusiness
- Automotive
- Banking and Finance
- Capital Markets
- Climate Change and Sustainability
- Commercial Contracting
- Competition and Consumer
- Construction and Infrastructure
- Corporate Governance
- Dispute Resolution
- Employee Share Schemes
- Energy and Resources
- Financial Services Advisory
- Franchising and Retail
- Funds Management
- Government
- Health
- Insolvency and Securities Enforcement
- Insurance
- Intellectual Property
- Media and Communications
- Mergers and Acquisitions
- Native Title and Indigenous Cultural Heritage
- Not-for-Profit and Charity Law
- Planning and Environment
- Privacy, Data Protection and Cyber Security
- Private Equity and Venture Capital
- Pro Bono
- Real Estate and Projects
- Safety
- Superannuation
- Taxation
- Technology
- Transport
- Wills and Estate Planning
- Workplace Relations