Simon Hill

Simon is a Special Counsel in the Sydney team specialising in Environment, Planning and Government law.

Simon offers public authorities and private clients strategic advice on development ranging from major infrastructure projects to small-scale residential development. Simon appears regularly in the Land and Environment Court of NSW in class 1, 3, 4 and 5 matters and in related appeals in the NSW Court of Appeal. Simon also provides specialised advice on ancillary government approvals, such as liquor licences or environmental authorities.

Simon was recognised in Doyles Guide, NSW Planning and Environmental Law Rising Stars 2024 as a future leading lawyer.


Simon’s experience includes advising:

  • Sydney Fish Market P/L in two related land tax appeals whereby land value was reduced by around $26 million for each year, determined in part by the NSW Court of Appeal and subsequent s34 agreement;
  • Various NSW Department clients and agencies in numerous matters relating to the assessment, determination, and post-approval compliance of appointing administrators for a voluntary liquidation;
  • Several airports (national and international) on planning pathways under Commonwealth and State law, changes to airport operations, and environment and governance compliance matters;
  • Woollahra Municipal Council in successfully defending the Planning Panel’s refusal of a development application for a change of use of a heritage building purely on the basis that the loss of the existing use (not fabric) would have an adverse social and heritage impact;
  • Frensham Girls School in Class 1 proceedings involving a variety of ecological, flooding and bushfire safety issues, obtaining not only development consent but also a judgment which clearly identified the School’s development would actively improve ecological outcomes of the site; and
  • City of Parramatta Council in successfully defending the Planning Panel’s refusal of a development application for two 18-storey residential towns in the Epping Town Centre on jurisdictional grounds.

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