Reanna Lawrence

Reanna is a Special Counsel in HWLE’s Brisbane office who specialises in banking and insolvency, securities enforcement, commercial litigation and dispute resolution matters. Reanna has assisted clients in a wide range of matters and represents some of Australia’s largest banks, financiers and insolvency firms.


  • MACA Limited in relation to advising on enforcement of securities and appointment of controllers and receivers in respect of the Bluff Coal Project and realisation of assets including an urgent application for leave to enforce security pursuant to section 440B of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth);
  • Major financial institutions and private lenders in defending claims for breaches of various statutory duties including the Banking Code of Practice, resisting applications by mortgagors to stay enforcement of securities and advising on the exercise of power of sale and realisation strategies;
  • Various insolvency practitioners in developing and pursuing asset recovery and litigation strategies including public examinations; and
  • Various clients in all Queensland Courts, the Federal Courts and in alternative dispute resolution processes including mediation, conciliation conferences and commercial arbitrations.

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