Jacques Lourens

Jacques has extensive experience in advising, managing and representing clients in complex construction disputes. His experience includes assisting clients in arbitration, litigation and alternative forms of dispute resolution.

Jacques has assisted owners, contractors, sub-contractors and consultants in and outside Australia in disputes involving roads, motorways, mines, schools and residential buildings. He has extensive courtroom and tribunal advocacy experience.

Jacques holds a Master of Laws, is a member of the Society of Construction Law Australia and is admitted to practice in Australia (NSW) and South Africa.


Jacques’ experience includes advising:

  • an international project management company overseeing the construction of a diamond mine in Africa valued at $100 million. Disputes included issues of engineering negligence concerning sections of the mine, construction defects, and cost management;
  • a leading major contractor in a complex, multifaceted road dispute valued at more than $150 million. Disputes included issues concerning changes to the scope of works, work methods and breaches of contractual obligations resulting in extensions of time, delay costs and damages; and
  • a client in defending several multi-million dollar claims for additional costs and delay damages. Disputes included issues involving changes in the scope of works and delay events.

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