Lee Deutzmann

Lee is a Special Counsel in HWL Ebsworth’s Brisbane office who advises and represents clients in relation to a broad range of commercial disputes and litigation, including matters involving commercial contracts (including lease disputes and franchise agreements), trusts and estates, loans and debt recovery, shareholder and partnership disputes, intellectual property rights, and competition and consumer law.

Lee has extensive experience representing clients in all levels of the Queensland Courts and in the Federal Courts and in alternative dispute resolution processes.


Lee’s experience includes advising:

  • the State of Queensland through various departments in numerous disputes and litigation involving ITC contracts, other contractual issues and debt recovery;
  • the trustee and investors in a unit trust in relation to a loan and property development at trial in the Supreme Court of Queensland, Court of Appeal and application for special leave to the High Court of Australia, in which the investors were ultimately successful;
  • medical professionals in relation to claims of unconscionable conduct and contraventions of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) by another medical professional involving an 8-day trial in the Supreme Court of Queensland;
  • various well known Australian franchisors in dispute resolution processes (including mediations);
  • Container Exchange (Qld) Pty Ltd in various matters, including two Supreme Court of Queensland claims commenced by former container refund point operators;
  • various clients in enforcing their intellectual property rights in relation to trademarks, copyright and patents, including through litigation in the Federal and Queensland Courts; and
  • various clients in relation to disputes involving wills and estates, trusts and complex family business and asset arrangements.

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