Planning rules to support Victoria’s big housing build

07 December 2020


Amendments VC187 and VC190 were gazetted on 1 December 2020 and have changed the Victoria Planning Provisions to streamline the planning process and support economic recovery to boost the total social housing supply by 10 per cent.


The key provisions in the amendment which change the Victorian Planning Provisions and all planning schemes are:

  1. A new provision at clause 53.20 to streamline the planning permit process for housing projects by or on behalf of the Director of Housing; and
  2. Modifying clause 72.01 to specify the circumstances where an application assessed under the new clause 53.20 is determined by the Minister, where there is an application to:
    • develop more than 10 dwellings;
    • construct or extend an apartment development; or
    • construct or extend a dwelling in or forming part of an apartment development.


The key provisions in the amendment that change the Victorian Planning Provisions are:

  1. Introducing a new provision at clause 52.20 which expedites the planning assessment and approval process for large scale social and affordable housing renewal projects; and
  2. Amending clause 72.01 to specify the Minister as the responsible authority for the use and development of land that clause 52.20 applies to.

The Benefits

The Explanatory Reports to the Amendments state that the introduction of VC187 and VC190 will support almost $0.5m to build and upgrade public housing as part of the Building Works package. Further, the Amendment will support Government initiatives to increase investment in and development of social housing through:

  1. The 1,000 homes initiative to help Victorians escape family violence and homelessness by building 1,000 new properties, totalling about 1,800 new homes in Victoria; and
  2. $1 billion social housing growth fund to deliver more social housing and a four-year $185 million program to redevelop the existing public housing estates.

How we can assist

HWL Ebsworth Lawyers acts on behalf of a variety of clients, including planning applicants, responsible authorities and objectors in a range of planning, environment and government matters.

If you would like to discuss how the amendments affect a proposed development, or any other matter, please do not hesitate to contact us.

This article was written by James Lofting, Partner and Matthew Senn, Law Graduate


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