Jennifer Vuu

Jennifer is an Accredited Specialist in Wills & Estates Law. She has extensive knowledge and practical experience in wills, estates and succession law matters in NSW. Jennifer advises on all aspects of the succession law life cycle from estate planning through to contested estates. She has considerable experience in complex probate and estate administration and brings a profound understanding of the intricacies of this practice area. Jennifer also has niche expertise and interest in the laws of stamp duty and its application to deceased estates and trusts.

Jennifer is experienced in estate litigation and has acted for clients in relation to statutory wills, will validity disputes, family provision claims and other estate administration suits. She is highly regarded for her technical expertise and ability to cut through difficult and unusual matters. Jennifer is regularly called upon to speak at industry events. In 2022, 2023 and 2024, Jennifer was recognised by Doyle’s Guide as a Wills, Estates & Succession Planning Rising Star for NSW & ACT.

Jennifer is a registered Trust and Estate Practitioner and is a member of the Law Society of New South Wales’ Elder Law, Succession and Capacity Committee and Advisory Committee for Specialist Accreditation in Wills and Estates Law.


Jennifer’s experience includes advising:

  • a plaintiff on an application for a court authorised will for a person lacking testamentary capacity;
  • private clients on a range of probate and estate administration matters including property transfers, private rulings to Revenue NSW and objections to duties assessments;
  • executors and next of kin in relation to complex grants of representation in respect of informal wills, copy wills, lost wills and intestacy;
  • claimants and executors in testamentary capacity matters, family provision claims and estate administration disputes; and
  • beneficiaries in relation to their rights and entitlements in an estate or a trust and action to hold executors and administrators to account.

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