Alistair Little

Alistair advises clients on a wide range of legal issues. He has extensive experience in litigation, particularly involving general corporate and commercial disputes, insurance, building and construction projects, property and strata title issues, intellectual property, defamation and competition and consumer law matters. In addition, Alistair assists clients in regulatory investigations and enforcement proceedings and has a detailed understanding of ASIC, ACCC and other regulatory processes.

Alistair also provides general competition and consumer law advice and has set up, maintained and advised on compliance programs.

Alistair has been named in the current edition of Best Lawyers™ Australia for Insurance Law; Litigation; Alternative Dispute Resolution; and Professional Malpractice Litigation.


Alistair’s experience includes acting for:

  • Coles Supermarkets in the successful defence of NSW Supreme Court proceedings seeking damages arising from an alleged breach of a supermarket lease – Macquarie Publications Pty Ltd v Coles Supermarkets Australia Pty Ltd [2021] NSWSC 405;
  • A major reinsurer in a multi-national dispute regarding the reinsurer’s obligations to indemnify reinsureds in relation to the settlement of a personal injury class action;
  • A state government-owned corporation in the defence of NSW Supreme Court Proceedings alleging unconscionable conduct in commercial dealings;
  • A defendant in the successful opposition to attempts to register and enforce a judgment entered in the Dubai International Financial Centre Courts and the subsequent setting aside of that judgment in Dubai; and
  • An insurer in the defence of Supreme Court proceedings commenced by the former employer of an orthodontist which alleges that it has suffered substantial damages as a result of the orthodontist’s negligent treatment of hundreds of patients.

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